Monday, October 14, 2013

White Bread and Mondays

There are two things that I think are gross and those are white bread and Mondays. The truth is I don't mind most Mondays, but today is depicted above.

I recently made a significant (in my world) purchase. I bought a 1982 black Mercedes Benz 300D. I have fawned over this car since I was nearly 14. My parent's would not let me such a make and model at the ripe age of 16 as it would likely no be reliable. 

At the slightly riper age of 23 I found this car for sale and I bought it. It runs and the A/C works and I blast classical music very loudly in it as I drive around. It is my car to take to the park and to Sunday brunches. 

I have recently done some self analysis and come to the same conclusion that my parents came to when I first showed them the car on Craigslist. I do not need a second car. I need to sell my car. I don't know how to do this really. This irresponsibility that I have exhibited does not worry me in the slightest as I did it as a sort of test on myself. I knew that I should not buy the car. I knew that I would not be able to maintain two cars or really afford them fully. I knew that I had not made any real mistakes up to this point and if buying a Benz was my first real mistake, then it would never even really be a mistake. 

Upon this conclusion I started to think further about what I do and do not need at this point in my life.With this experience and introspection I was able to better assess my current state in life. This whole situation really will have no effect on others, but I urge you all, if you are thinking of making any sort of big change in your life, start with the small steps. 

Get a fish before you get a dog and certainly train the dog before you have kids, because if you can't teach a dog how to sit, how are you going to teach a child about the world?

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